September 25, 2019

100th anniversary Legion coin series raffled at district, post level

By The American Legion
100th anniversary Legion coin series raffled at district, post level
100th anniversary Legion coin series raffled at district, post level

Legionnaires share the ways their post or district is promoting the Legion's commemorative coin through raffle drawings.

A few weeks ago we asked for Legionnaires to submit how their department, district or post is conducting a giveaway of The American Legion's 100th Anniversary Commemorative Coin for recruiting efforts, as a fundraiser for programs that support youth or veterans and their families, or for achieving post goals with membership. The following are ways districts and posts are promoting the coin series for membership and program growth.

- Department of Louisiana District 1 (28 Legion posts) is selling $1 raffle tickets to win the three coin proof set. Donations from the raffle will support American Legion children and youth programs and the Special Olympics.

- Department of California District 16 2nd Vice Commander Greg Somers said District 6 and 16 is selling 200 raffle tickets at $5 apiece where the lucky winner will win the silver coin. The districts will have another fundraiser starting in January 2020 to win the gold coin. Tickets for the gold coin will be $10 apiece and no more than 200 tickets sold.

- Clare Sullivan of Post 5 in Seward, Alaska, said the coin series was advertised in the post's newsletter "to encourage purchasing." The post also is purchasing a three coin proof set as a raffle.

- Jim Archie of Post 431 in Gowrie, Iowa, said the post is having a raffle of the three coin proof set during its centennial celebration.

To purchase The American Legion coins or for additional information about the series, please visit

  • Centennial