As 2010 midterm elections draw near, Legionnaires need to exercise their right to vote and motivate others to do the same.
Voting is an ongoing civic responsibility, as well as a Constitutional right, that exists because of the willingness of those who came before us to fight for America's freedom. But overall voter turnout has declined over the years, creating a stronger need for American Legion post members to get involved with elections. With 2010 midterm elections fast approaching, Legionnaires are encouraged to exercise their right to vote and motivate U.S. citizens of legal age to do the same.
There are various ways Legionnaires and fellow post members can get potential voters registered and out to the polls on Nov. 2 to participate in the political process. One way is by attending community meetings to emphasize that casting a vote at the ballot box allows one to voice an opinion on the candidates and their policies. Other areas where Legionnaires can help out are through registering voters, volunteering at the polls, and hosting or participating in nonpartisan candidates' forums. For more informative ways on encouraging the public to vote, download The American Legion's "Get Out The Vote 2010" brochure by clicking here.
Additionally, visit The Voter Network to learn about the candidates, get state voting information and much more. And for information on military and overseas voting, visit the Federal Voting Assistance Program.
- Citizenship