October 23, 2017

55 Legionnaires attending National Legion College

By The American Legion
American Legion College
55 Legionnaires attending National Legion College
Legion College graduates. Photo by Tom Strattman/The American Legion

The students will convene in Indianapolis starting Sunday for the 2017 session of the program.

Fifty-five American Legion members representing 38 departments will gather at American Legion National Headquarters in Indianapolis Oct. 29 to Nov. 3 for the 18th consecutive session of National Legion College. Past National Commander David Rehbein will lead the students as the program's chancellor.

View a list of the 2017 Legion College participants here.

Legion College is an opportunity for new and longtime Legionnaires to enhance their knowledge on the organization and its overall mission, learn how to become an effective leader at every level, be challenged on real Legion issues, and share best practices. As a group, the students will meet, host discussions and hear from Legion national staff in the National Executive Committee room on the fourth floor of the headquarters building. During this time they also will be addressed by American Legion National Commander Denise H. Rohan, a 2006 Legion College graduate.

During their time at Legion College, the students will learn how to:

• Write a resolution,

• Assess their leadership style and development,

• Conduct a post-level meeting, and

• Implement a department-level Legion College.

They too will:

• Receive leadership scenarios that involves a post-level conflict that they must discuss and decide how to best resolve,

• Conduct a mock department convention,

• Watch leadership videos and host discussions, and

• Discuss the leadership principle PEOPLE (professionalism, empathy, optimism, partnership, loyalty, empowerment).

Prior to the mock department convention on Nov. 2, the students will break into smaller groups to write two resolutions, one on creating a post-level Legion College and another covering any topic of the organization. The students will present and defend their resolutions during the mock convention. And on Nov. 3, the Legion College Class of 2017 will graduate.

  • American Legion College