July 30, 2015

Legion to Congress: We want full VA accountability


American Legion national commander frustrated that the White House has threatened to veto legislation that would make it easier to fire VA employees who engage in misconduct.

American Legion National Commander Michael D. Helm expressed frustration that the White House has threatened to veto legislation that would make it easier to fire VA employees who engage in misconduct.

“I commend the House of Representatives and House Committee on Veterans Affairs Chairman Jeff Miller for passing the VA Accountability Act of 2015,” Helm said. “I find it very disturbing that some in the Senate have indicated that they would oppose it. Did people not learn anything from the scandals that infected the entire VA system last year? Numerous inspector general reports found incidents of fraud and bureaucratic incompetence, yet we still don’t have any confirmation that anyone has been fired for a crisis that almost destroyed VA’s credibility. Incredibly, despite all this, one House member called the Accountability Act ‘union busting.’ It is long past time for the White House and all of Congress to put veterans ahead of other interests.”

  • Commander