September 10, 2015

Walk for Veterans with Commander Barnett

By The American Legion
Walk for Veterans with Commander Barnett
Walk for Veterans with Commander Barnett

Join national commander in his 'walks' to raise awareness about veterans and the Legion's impact on communities.

During his travels to departments, American Legion National Commander Dale Barnett will be walking to raise awareness about veterans and the Legion's positive impact on communities nationwide. And he's asking the Legion family to join him by conducting an awareness Walk for Veterans.

"I want you to tell your story (when walking) about why you joined The American Legion and why you stay a member in The American Legion," Barnett said. "We’re going to get the message of The American Legion out to the communities."

The awareness walks are also a way to "walk for those who marched for us," Barnett said. "I strongly believe that we should walk not for ourselves but for those who have marched before us. In war or peace, America’s veterans have repeatedly sacrificed for our freedom. These awareness walks are the least that we can do for them.”

The walks can coincide with Barnett's visits to departments, but departments are encouraged to conduct them even if the commander is not visiting. The walks can be any distance and should include Legion family members, Legion youth program participants, Boys Scouts, high school JROTC units, community leaders and anyone else interested in helping bring Legion visibility to communities. Additionally, the walks can:

  • Bring attention to the many great services the Legion provides, such as advocacy for veterans benefits, job fairs and family support through Temporary Financial Assistance.
  • Promote and raise funds for Legion charities, such as National Emergency Fund (Barnett's fundraiser during his term as commander), Operation Comfort Warriors and Legacy Scholarship Fund.
  • Remind employers that the best way to thank a veteran for his or her service is to hire them.
  • Highlight the Four Pillars of the Legion.Showcase the Legion's many premiere youth programs, such as Boys State, Boys Nation, Oratorical Contest and Legion Baseball.
  • Bring attention to veterans who served their country and paid the ultimate sacrifice.

National Headquarters staff can assist in planning and promoting a Walk for Veterans event. A media advisory, 60-second radio spot and flyer is available for download here, and a Walk for Veterans flag banner and table cloths may be available for temporary use during an event. T-shirts with the Walk for Veterans logo can also be purchased.

For more information, contact Matt Herndon, deputy director of the Legion's Membership Divison, at or (317) 630-1406.

If your department is conducting an awareness Walk for Veterans, send details to

Post 2 in Manchester, N.H., is hosting a walk with Barnett on Sept. 12 at 10:20 a.m. The walk begins at the post, located at 251 Maple St. For more information about the following upcoming walks, email the contacts:

  • Commander