National commander's 26th Walk for Veterans crossed the campus that inspired the 2006 movie "We Are Marshall."
Too often veterans are closely connected to loss and sacrifice. This is what made Huntington, W. Va., a perfect setting for The American Legion’s latest Walk for Veterans on April 6.
On Nov. 14, 1970, a plane carrying the Marshall University Thundering Herd football team crashed just short of Tri-State Airport killing all 75 passengers on board. The surrounding community of Huntington was devastated and the accident remains the deadliest tragedy in the history of any U.S. sports team. But like many veterans, the people of Huntington are a resilient group. The battle cry “We Are Marshall” still echoes across this Appalachian community and was the title of a 2006 Hollywood blockbuster film.
As a retired high school coach, National Commander Dale Barnett was particularly moved that his 26th Walk for Veterans crossed the Marshall campus and included a stop at one of the team’s memorials. "There is something about a team that melds its members together,” Barnett said. “That tragedy really helped solidify this community to support this university. Standing at the memorial with Marshall University President (Jerome) Gilbert, I shared with him the story of The American Legion and how we work so hard to retain the memory of those who sacrificed so much before us.”
“We want to view ourselves as a campus that is very friendly to veterans and reaches out to them as far as their transition into academic life,” Dr. Gilbert said. “Veterans bring a discipline and maturity level to the classroom in terms of modeling behavior that we would like to see in others students.”
Included among the approximately 50 walkers was Vincent Middle School student Katie Beth Caudill, who serves as honorary National Central Division junior vice president of The American Legion Auxiliary. Caudill has raised more than $500 for pediatric cancer research but it was her strong stance on the American flag that caught the attention of school officials and made her American Legion Family proud.
Caudill was bothered that her school was not flying Old Glory from the school’s flag pole. Her friends at the Legion corrected the situation by donating a flag, leading Caudill to further object that the school did not take time for the Pledge of Allegiance. Refusing to take no for an answer, she led a social media campaign announcing that she would stand in front of the school every morning at 7 a.m. to say the Pledge. Other students joined in and within a week it became part of the 7:30 “morning announcements.” Now, two years later, the Pledge is a permanent part of the school’s schedule.
Caudill’s love for her flag extends to her respect for veterans.
“I decided to participate in the awareness walk because I want to show everyone that veterans are important and that everyone should be aware of who they are and what they did for our country,” Caudill said. She also added that she will make sure that her future high school displays and regularly pledges allegiance to the flag.
Caudill’s uncle, Fred Buchanan, is the past department commander for West Virginia and was a key organizer of the walk. “We have in West Virginia more veterans per capita than any other state in the nation,” Buchanan said. “The walk raised funds for our National Emergency Fund but also raises awareness and highlights the sacrifices that veterans make.”
- Commander