June 03, 2016

Legion sends condolences to victims of Fort Hood flooding


Fort Hood reports: Massive flood overturns Light Medium Tactical Vehicle, resulting in three soldiers being killed and three injured; six are still missing.

National Commander Dale Barnett issued the following statement following the news of deaths, injuries and missing status reports of 12 soldiers during a flooding in Fort Hood, Texas, this morning. According to Fort Hood reports, the massive flood overturned a Light Medium Tactical Vehicle resulting in three soldiers being killed and three injured; six are still missing. The names of the victims have not been released.

“Our thoughts and prayers are with the family and friends of the victims," Barnett said. "The Legion is troubled by the soldier’s lives that were lost today. It is our hope that the injured make a speedy recovery and the missing are swiftly found so that their loved ones can be at peace."

  • Commander