American Legion national commander, Auxiliary national president and SAL national commander voice that the troops are already veterans.
American Legion National Commander Charles E. Schmidt, Auxiliary National President Mary Davis and Sons of The American Legion National Commander Jeff Frain concluded their European visit with an important message to the troops: You’re already veterans.
“If you served on day of (wartime) active-duty or title 10 service, you are eligible to be in The American Legion,” Schmidt said in a June 7 radio interview with Armed Forces Network Benelux, a Belgium-based station that broadcasts for U.S. troops, family members and Department of Defense employees serving there, and in the Netherlands and Luxembourg. “The American Legion is not about us older veterans. It’s about anyone that has served, is serving or will serve in the future. That’s who we’re fighting for.”
“This is a lot of great information that will help you out,” disc jockey and Airman 1st Class Candin “Candy Man” Muniz told listeners.
The broadcast followed a similar message that the three leaders delivered days earlier to Armed Forces Network listeners in Germany. While Schmidt recounted the history of the Legion, as wells as its services and programs, Davis and Frain emphasized the support that the Auxiliary and SAL offer to families.
Listen to the radio interview by visiting www.legion.org/commander/radio and clicking on No. 18.
- Commander