Congress and the Department of Veterans Affairs depend on The American Legion.
One message came through loud and clear last week when we delivered your priorities to Washington: Congress and the Department of Veterans Affairs depend on The American Legion. Elected and appointed officials reminded us over and over that:
- We are the voice of the veteran.
- We are the conscience of a nation that honors military service and patriotic values.
- Without us, government would not know how to effectively fulfill its mission to support and honor our nation’s veterans, members of the Armed Forces, families and communities across the land.
That is why it’s important for you to ask your veteran friends and acquaintances to join, renew or rejoin The American Legion today. Our fellow veterans are counting on us.
If you know someone who is eligible for membership, has let a membership expire or needs a nudge to renew, please forward my message and let them know it’s from you, on behalf of all of us. Have them JOIN NOW.
Size matters in Washington. Without you, we are smaller and less able to stand strong to advance the resolutions you have passed and the policies we need enacted. Members of Congress and VA officials made it clear, over and over in Washington last week, that they need us to guide them as we:
- Fight to protect VA health care from being outsourced to the private sector
- Require compassionate relief for caregivers of veterans
- Improve quality and availability of VA services for women veterans
- Demand modern VA benefits claims and appeals processes
- Seek out full acceptance of alternative treatments that work for PTSD and TBI
- Require adequate DoD funding to support the men and women serving our nation in harm’s way right now
- Work with Congress and VA to demand higher standards of employee accountability to veterans
- Provide the federal government with trusted advice from every corner of the country, not just inside the Beltway, about issues that matter most to us, the veteran membership of The American Legion.
The Four Pillars of The American Legion can’t stand without a strong membership.
Thank you for helping me help veterans, our troops, families and communities across our great nation.
For God and Country,
Charles E. Schmidt
National Commander
The American Legion
- Commander