August 15, 2018

The American Legion changes lives every single day

By Denise H. Rohan, National Commander
The American Legion changes lives every single day
The American Legion changes lives every single day

National commander: The American Legion’s influence is felt all across our great nation each and every day.

Dear American Legion Family and Friends,

“We change lives every single day.”

That was an important part of my address to attendees at The American Legion’s National Membership Workshop Aug. 10 in Indianapolis.

Our youth programs, on full display over the summer, shape tomorrow’s leaders.

I had the honor to meet with our 100 American Legion Boys Nation senators a few weeks ago at Greenbelt (Md.) Post 136. As I shook the hands of those fine, young men, I felt a sense of rejuvenation. I also felt a sense of pride in the American Legion Family.

Thanks to The American Legion’s Americanism program and our support of these boys, they are committed to giving back and serving our nation in some way.

Not only do we have an impact on the future, The American Legion’s influence is felt all across our great nation each and every day.

In small towns and large cities, American Legion posts, volunteers and staff members support and host job fairs throughout the year.

But that’s not all. We are making sure that as younger servicemembers transition out of the military, their training converts to jobs and college credits. We are keeping the GI Bill relevant with modern revisions that reflect our changing work force and education standards. All of these efforts – and others - help propel our brothers and sisters into rewarding careers.

Meanwhile on Capitol Hill and in state legislatures, The American Legion’s support for veterans benefits directly leads to improved quality of life for veterans and their families.

Our comrades also rely on American Legion service officers for assistance when it comes to understanding and applying for the benefits they earned through their service.

We also support those who are suffering from visible and invisible wounds of war.

The American Legion’s Operation Comfort Warriors (OCW) program delivers items that improve the lives of our wounded veterans and servicemembers. Sometimes wounded warriors need equipment for music, yoga or other recreational therapy. Others might require a mobile device to help them learn to communicate once again. OCW has provided the proper recovery items for countless wounded servicemembers, through the kindness of the American Legion Family.

These are just a handful of ways that The American Legion’s 2 million members are brightening the lives of veterans, servicemembers, their families and the communities in which they live every day.

None of these successes would be possible without your support and your membership. Please renew today, if you have not already for the new membership year. And don’t forget to encourage other eligible veterans to join our community of veterans who are still serving.

Family First.

  • Commander