November 02, 2018

Legion commander condemns rise of anti-Semitism

Legion commander condemns rise of anti-Semitism
Legion commander condemns rise of anti-Semitism

Brett Reistad condemned the increase of anti-Semitism and other bigotry that has occurred in the United States and other parts of the world.

In a statement issued this morning, the leader of the nation’s largest veterans organization strongly condemned the increase of anti-Semitism and other bigotry that has occurred in the United States and other parts of the world.

“Last night a political forum at a synagogue in Brooklyn, N.Y., was cancelled because a bigot scrawled ‘Kill all Jews' on a temple door,” American Legion National Commander Brett P. Reistad said. “This comes as our hearts still ache over last week’s brutal murders at the Tree of Life synagogue. Freedom of religion is one of our most treasured liberties enshrined in our Constitution. American veterans liberated concentration camps in Europe which demonstrated what can happen when hatred and anti-Semitism go unanswered.

"The American Legion condemns all persecution and bigotry. Those who perpetrate these illegal acts must be brought to justice.”

  • Commander