December 10, 2019

A year of successes, improved lives

By Bill Oxford, National Commander
A year of successes, improved lives
A year of successes, improved lives

Legionnaires had a positive influence throughout 2019.

Dear American Legion Family and Friends,

As we move toward the end of another year, it’s a good time to reflect on the successes of the past 12 months and look toward the promise of the future.

The American Legion Family has much to celebrate from 2019. A successful centennial celebration. New laws that will provide assistance for veterans. More than $1 million distributed during January to Coast Guard members whose paychecks were cut off due to the federal government shutdown.

While those achievements made national headlines, The American Legion’s impact was felt through individual obligation to communities spanning the United States. It’s no exaggeration to say that Legionnaires had a positive influence every second of every day of every month throughout 2019. Here’s a small sampling:

10,000 — Number of care packages sent to deployed servicemembers by American Legion Post 201 in Alpharetta, Ga.

• $131,855 — Amount in American Legion youth scholarships disbursed in July from National Headquarters, led by $51,525 in American Legion Samsung Scholarships.

15,000 — Minimum number of meals served in one week by American Legion Post 20 in Oklahoma after Arkansas River flooding left citizens stranded and first responders in need of support.

3,500 — Approximate number of soldiers, veterans, spouses and family members who received assistance from The American Legion and others at just one job fair in Fort Hood, Texas.

25,594 — Minimum number of troop-support activities and efforts conducted by American Legion volunteers nationwide during the 2018-2019 membership year.

• $744,436 — Amount in American Legion Legacy Scholarship funds disbursed last year to the children of military personnel who had died on active duty since 9/11 or children of Post-9/11 veterans having been assigned a VA disability rating of 50 percent or greater.

350 — Number of families at Fort Riley who received a full Thanksgiving dinner, compliments of the Kansas American Legion Family. The Big Red One Turkey Run has grown from the original effort 12 years ago when a post distributed 16 turkeys at Riley.

What do all of these numbers add up to?

Countless lives enriched by The American Legion. Thank you from the bottom of my heart for your generous contributions toward supporting veterans, mentoring youth, improving communities, funding scholarships and so much more.

  • Commander