National Commander Oxford urges Department of Veterans Affairs to open its health-care system to World War II veterans not already enrolled.
American Legion National Commander Bill Oxford called on the Department of Veterans Affairs to open its health care system to World War II veterans that are not already enrolled.
“Mr. Secretary, The American Legion has confidence that you will not fail or forsake the heroes who literally saved the world three quarters of a century ago. Please act now to open the VA’s great system to all of our nation’s World War II veterans,” Oxford said in a letter to VA Secretary Robert Wilkie Jr. sent Oct. 31.
Oxford pointed out that the Veterans Health Care Eligibility Act of 1996 exempted all Spanish American War and World War I veterans from the means test required to enter the VA health care system. “It’s time to do the same for our World War II veterans,” he wrote.
Delegates at The American Legion’s national convention in 2017 unanimously passed a resolution urging VA to extend the means test exemption to World War II veterans. Since the resolution passed, the population of living veterans has declined dramatically. VA estimates that of the original 16 million U.S. veterans who served in World War II, only 282,000 will be living on September 30, 2020. Moreover, 73.6 percent of male and 67.3 of female World War II veterans in 2016 were already utilizing VA benefits.
The complete text of Oxford’s letter is below.
Dear Secretary Wilkie,
Those who made the Greatest Generation truly great are nearly gone. According to VA’s 2018 statistics, of the 16 million U.S. veterans who served during World War II, only half a million remain, and by 2020 only 282,000 of these heroes will still be alive. Most of these veterans are already using VA services – The National Center for Veterans Analysis and Statistics notes that in 2016 VA’s benefits utilization rate for male World War II veterans was 73.6% and 67.3% for female veterans.
You can recognize these remaining heroes with actions far more meaningful than words. The Veterans Health Care Eligibility Act of 1996 exempted all Spanish American War and World War I veterans from the means test required to enter the VA health care system. It’s time to do the same for our World War II veterans.
The American Legion has spoken loudly in support of this proposal. Delegates at our 2017 National Convention in Reno, Nev., unanimously passed a resolution calling for an amendment to the 1996 law which would open access for these elderly veterans.
Earlier this year, you spoke of Gen. Matthew Ridgeway’s reading of the Book of Joshua on D-Day. “I will not fail thee and I will not forsake thee,” was God’s promise to his faithful warrior. Mr. Secretary, The American Legion has confidence that you will not fail or forsake the heroes who literally saved the world three quarters of a century ago. Please act now to open the VA’s great system to all of our nation’s World War II veterans.
Most Sincerely,
James W. “Bill” Oxford
National Commander
- Commander