National Commander James W. "Bill" Oxford urges Congress to override President Trump's veto of the National Defense Authorization Act.
The head of the nation’s largest veterans’ organization called for Congress to override the president’s veto of the National Defense Authorization Act.
“The American Legion is disappointed that the president vetoed this important legislation, which would benefit our current servicemembers and veterans of previous generations,” James W. “Bill” Oxford, national commander of The American Legion, said. “The NDAA passed with overwhelming support because Democrats and Republicans agree that it is good for America. The virtues of the NDAA have not changed since the president’s veto. We ask Congress to use the powers granted to it by the U.S. Constitution and override the president’s veto. Our troops deserve a pay raise and our Vietnam veterans continue to suffer the ill-effects of Agent Orange. The NDAA addresses these issues and much more.”
- Commander