Contact your representative to help World War II veterans get the VA care they deserve.
Dear American Legion Family Members and Friends,
It’s disheartening to know there are still World War II veterans who do not have access to VA benefits. The American Legion is fighting to correct this lapse with legislation pending in Congress. Here’s how you can contact your representative.
Our World War II veterans halted the spread of tyranny, securing our democracy for generations to come. As of last month, fewer than 240,330 WWII veterans remain and hundreds pass away every day.
Of those still living, not all of them receive the VA health-care services they earned through their service. As a grateful nation, we must fulfill our promises to the Greatest Generation to ensure they receive all the benefits they deserve.
To rectify this issue, Rep. Josh Harder, D-Calif., introduced H.R. 5562, the WWII means test bill. The legislation would exempt WWII veterans from the means test needed to receive VA health-care services. Robert Menendez, D-N.J., has supported these efforts by introducing S.1040, the Senate companion to this bill.
The Senate bill has 10 bipartisan cosponsors while the House version has three. But little progress has been made in the past few months.
Time is literally running out for these veterans. It is critically important that one of these bills is enacted into law as soon as possible. The American Legion vociferously supports this legislation.
Congress has been down this road before. In 1996, the Veterans Health Care Eligibility Act exempted all veterans who served during the Mexican Border Period and World War I from the means test required to enter the VA health-care system.
Let’s do the same for our World War II veterans before it is too late.
For God and Country,
Paul E. Dillard, National Commander
- Commander