As a major winter storm wreaks havoc, it’s time for American Legion members to step in and perform wellness checks on older veterans.
Dear American Legion Family Members and Friends,
I hope this email finds you well, safe and warm. Many of you are being affected by the current winter storm that is wreaking havoc throughout the country.
The storm has shut down major roads, created power failures for millions and forced many to stay in their homes amid record cold temperatures.
Countless veterans are stuck in their homes. They may be facing dire situations due to the storm. They may need assistance with staying warm, getting food and water, or having a prescription delivered.
That is why I am making this urgent appeal to you to immediately launch Buddy Checks in your areas. As veterans, we cannot let our buddies down, especially in such a critical time.
Check in with veterans to see how your post can provide much-needed assistance to them during this challenging time. To assist Legionnaires, we have toolkits available for you to use. They were produced with the pandemic in mind. However, they can easily be adapted at this critical time. Review and download the kit at this link.
Join me in reaching out to veterans, as well as friends, neighbors and relatives in your community. It’s quite likely that these check-ins will save lives.
- Commander