October 20, 2021

Here's how to support Afghanistan allies

By National Commander Paul E. Dillard
Here’s how to support Afghanistan allies
Here’s how to support Afghanistan allies

Mechanisms in place to allow American Legion members, posts to help relocated Afghans and their families. 

Dear American Legion Family members and friends,

Our ancestors all immigrated from somewhere overseas. Perhaps Europe. Or Asia. Or maybe Africa. 

It doesn’t matter from where they originated. What matters is that they sought a better life in America. Our nation’s commitment to democracy is a shining beacon to some who face persecution, religious intolerance and death threats in their native lands.

We are all familiar with the 18,000 Afghanistan allies and their family members who are now seeking safety in the United States. Already, thousands have made the safe passage here. But that is only the first step in their journey.
Many of our veterans, especially those who valiantly served in Afghanistan, have been swept up in the stark turn of events there. There has been anger, sadness and disbelief.

But as the reality set in, a strong new feeling has also set in: the desire to help.
As more Afghanistan allies are safely transported here, American Legion members and posts are asking how they can assist. It is unclear exactly where the allies are being brought, for safety reasons. However, posts near military installations can certainly reach out to see if the base would need assistance if they are currently or in the future expecting to temporarily house these allies.

Additionally, here are some other options to consider:

· You can learn more at the Welcome Center website and sign up to receive more information.

· The Red Cross is helping the allies settle in. American Legion members are encouraged to contact their local Red Cross chapter to see if they can assist. Already, veterans have been working alongside Red Cross volunteers. And at least one Afghanistan veteran has been assisting the process as part of his role with the Red Cross. Learn more about his role here.

Thank you for your service to our nation and those who supported us throughout every war era. You are another example of why we are…

Veterans Strengthening America.

  • Commander