Exercise your right to vote on Nov. 8 and help others do the same with the Legion’s Get Out the Vote program.
Dear American Legion Family and Friends,
Election Day is Nov. 8, a time when American Legion Family members and other voters will head to the polls to uphold a constitutional right and civic responsibility. As citizens and veterans of this great nation, it is our duty to exercise our right to vote and encourage others to do so as well. And we accomplish this through our Get Out the Vote program.
The American Legion’s Get Out the Vote program encourages all Americans to register and vote in each election, as well as for Legion Family members to be involved in the electoral process. You can do this by registering voters, volunteering at the polls, using social media to share information about poll locations and times, and hosting or participating in nonpartisan candidates' forums.
This is also an important time to conduct Buddy Checks. I encourage you to call post members and veterans in your community to see if they need a ride to the voting precinct, or if they need assistance with voting early or casting an absentee ballot. As Legionnaires, this is an important Get Out the Vote opportunity to help our fellow veterans.
Please remember that you may support candidates of your choosing, but during American Legion Get Out the Vote promotional efforts it is important to remain nonpartisan. Article II, Section 2 of the Constitution of The American Legion, states, “The American Legion shall be absolutely nonpolitical and shall not be used for the dissemination of partisan principles nor the promotion of the Candidacy of any person seeking office or preferment.” Legionnaires engaged in partisan activities – such as attending a candidate’s rally – should do so without wearing the Legion cap or other Legion attire.
As you prepare to vote and engage with others to do the same, download The American Legion’s “Vote, America” brochure to help your efforts. The brochure provides information on how to organize a Get Out the Vote program and create a media plan, promote the electoral process, follow American Legion rules of nonpartisanship and more.
Voting is a powerful way to participate in our government. By your efforts in promoting The American Legion’s Get Out the Vote program, you are upholding a civic responsibility and demonstrating how we are truly ...Veterans Strengthening America.
Vincent J. “Jim” Troiola
National Commander
- Commander