November 22, 2023

My wish for the holidays

By Daniel J. Seehafer, National Commander

At this time of giving thanks, let’s take this goodwill and demonstrate how The American Legion is serving our nation each and every day throughout 2024.

Dear American Legion Family members and friends, 

This week ushers in the most special time of the year, first with the celebration of Thanksgiving and then the spirit of Christmas will be in full swing.

It’s a time when we joyously express gratitude, give thanks for all of our blessings and are more inspired to help others.

This holiday season my wish is that the desire to help others will spread beyond a few weeks and become a priority throughout the entire year. I know there are dedicated American Legion Family members who give their time in a myriad of ways all year long and understand both the power and satisfaction of servant leadership.

They are the unsung heroes of post activities in their local communities.

They deliver food, water and other resources to those in need.

They mentor children and youth in their hometowns.

They perform honor guard duties.

They clean the gravesites of veterans.

They perform Buddy Checks on fellow veterans, who may need nothing more than to hear a friendly voice or see a familiar face.

They are the men and women who make communities stronger through servant leadership. Across America, the need has increased for even more servant leaders like these.

Let’s take the goodwill we feel in our hearts now, capture it and seek opportunities to serve our veterans, our military members, their families and the communities in which we live. No opportunity is too small, no challenge too large.

Join me in expanding the servant leadership we embrace this holiday season and extend it throughout 2024.

From my family to yours, Happy Thanksgiving!

National Commander

Daniel J. Seehafer  

  • Commander