Members of Post 46 in Washington, D.C., took 10 veterans residing at Access Housing Inc. to a Washington Nationals game.
About a year ago, members of American Legion National Defense Post 46 in Washington, D.C., toured Access Housing Inc. (AHI) DC, which provides housing to area veterans experiencing homelessness, along with resources to find employment and permanent housing. Since then, the post has provided donations such as 48 pairs of shoes, boots, socks and 71 sets of bedding that the veterans can take when they transition to permanent housing.
“We are not only meeting a physical need of warmth, but a psychological need that somebody cares. That somebody in this neighborhood (Post 46) cares about you and wants to help you,” said Chris Herndon, Post 46 adjutant and District of Columbia National Executive Committeeman. “This is a way that we can take care of our soldiers and the people that really need help.”
Along with donations, Post 46 members began to look at how they could socially support veterans residing at Access Housing Inc. This led to the idea of a baseball game outing.
On July 20, members of Post 46, their family and 10 veterans from Access Housing Inc. DC attended the Washington Nationals game against the Cincinnati Reds at Nationals Park.
“Providing this opportunity to our fellow veterans epitomizes what the Legion is supposed to do as a veteran service organization,” said Post 46 Senior Vice Commander Jason Secrest, who organized the baseball outing. “This is supporting the bonds of service that tie us together.”
The 10 veterans were shuttled to and from Nationals Stadium for free through Baron Tours, whose owner Claudine Halabi is a supporter of Post 46 and friend of Herndon. They enjoyed concession food and camaraderie with Post 46 members.
“They shook hands with every Legionnaire, and we talked with them,” Herndon said. “They were very thankful and so appreciative of us doing this for them. We’re trying to build a relationship with these veterans who we don't quite know, but we want to learn more about.”
In response to the outing, AHI Lead Case Manager Juanita Carey wrote to Post 46, “On behalf of AHI veterans and staff, I want to extend my deepest gratitude for your generous support and sponsorship of the NATS game tickets. Your commitment to AHI’s cause to give back to veterans contributes to the significant impact that lasting memories like at this event have on our veterans."
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