October 19, 2009

Key resolutions of the 2009 Fall Meetings

By The American Legion

Key resolutions passed at the 2009 Fall National Executive Committee Meetings in Indianapolis.

The following are key resolutions passed at the 2009 Fall National Executive Committee Meetings in Indianapolis.

30  Opposes U.S. Flag Code change regarding conduct during hoisting, lowering or passing of the flag, or the national anthem
32  Expresses concern for the decline of participation in The American Legion School Award Medal Program and urges increased participation in the program

39  Supports licensure and certification of active-duty and selected reserve personnel
40  Supports additional housing and funding for low-income and homeless veterans
41  Supports amending the eligibility criteria for the transfer of the Post-9/11 GI Bill educational benefits
42  Supports major enhancements for the Post-9/11 GI Bill educational benefits

3  Enters into an agreement with Creative Street Entertainment for the production of 10 one-minute stories to air on the Military Channel

29  The American Legion’s policy on the United Nations

28  Supports the planned expansion of the National World War II Museum

1  Supports the global war on terror
34  Supports the Department of Defense’s current “don’t aAsk, don’t tell” policy
35  Supports amending the Tax Credit Reform Act of 1986 to authorize the use of a military servicemember’s base pay alone when determining eligibility for affordable housing built under the Low Income Housing Tax Credit Program
36  Supports full funding for the Defense Health Program

8  Enters into agreement with the National Veterans Legal Services Program
21  The American Legion position on the Department of Veterans Affairs Enhanced Use Lease policy
22  Supports the 2010 National Veterans Wheelchair games at no cost to The American Legion
23  Supports admission to state veterans home of any parent whose child perished while serving on active duty in the U.S. Armed Forces
24  Supports legislation to amend Title 38, U.S. Code, to provide clarification to the state veterans Homes, Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services, and the Department of Veterans Affairs per diem reimbursements, and supports legislation increasing per diem payments to a rate of 50 percent of the national average cost of providing care in state veterans homes
26  Approves the appointment of Legionnaires to serve as advisors on the Veterans of Valor board of directors
27  Supports legislation to amend Title 38, U.S. Code, to clarify the treatment of veteran as adjudicated mentally incompetent for certain purposes
37  Urges Congress to introduce legislation prohibiting, for at least a three-year period, VA politicial appointees and Senior Executive Service officials from accepting employment with contractors that significantly benefit from policies formulated by the VA official
38  Urges Congress to ensure any legislation addressing national health-care reform contain specific language excluding VA and TRICARE health care

For the full text of resolutions, contact The American Legion National Headquarters Library at (317) 630-1366, e-mail library@legion.org or visit www.legion.org. Send a written request for a booklet of all approved resolutions to The Library, The American Legion, P.O. Box 1055, Indianapolis, IN 46206.

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