National Executive Committeeman, commission members, and department adjutants and commanders heading to Indianapolis for 2011 Fall Meetings.
American Legion leadership began arriving this week for next week's annual Fall Meetings, during which time the organization's policies and strategies will be discussed and implemented.
The National Executive Committee, The American Legion's governing body, will meet Wednesday and Thursday, receiving reports from National Commander Fang Wong and the organization's various commissions and committees. The NEC also will consider several resolutions dealing with such areas as national security, health care and veterans education benefits.
American Legion commissions and committees will meet Monday and Tuesday; going on simultaneously will be the Commanders and Adjutants Conference. During the week, the Child Welfare Foundation board of directors will meet to award CWF grants for 2012.
On Wednesday morning, several Legion leaders will be in attendance for the dedication ceremony of the John H. Geiger Operations Center. Resolution No. 1, passed during the 2011 Spring Meetings, authorized renaming the facility that houses the Legion's Information Technology, Emblem Sales, Fundraising, and Membership Services Divisions in honor of American Legion Past National Commander John H. Geiger, who passed away Jan. 10.
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