September 02, 2011

Advocates of veteran employment honored

By Craig Roberts
Advocates of veteran employment honored
Georgia Vietnam Veterans Alliance of Doraville, Ga., receives the Small Employer of the Year award for hiring veterans. Photo by James V. Carroll

The American Legion presented its annual honors to selected employers of veterans, as well as individuals, who aid veterans seeking jobs.

Since 1969, The American Legion's National Economic Commission has sponsored an Employer of Veterans and Employment Service award program to recognize firms and individuals that have established an outstanding record in the employment and retention of veterans. The Economic Commission awards were presented during The American Legion's 93rd annual convention in Minneapolis.

The award categories and recipients include:

Large Employer of the Year - Eagle Systems and Services, Inc., of Fort Benning, Ga. The fast-growing company, headquartered in Oklahoma, provides integrated military logistics and training services for the Federal government.

Medium Size Employer of the Year - Millennium Security Services, LLC, of Alpharetta, Ga. Millennium, a security guard and surveillance company, is a Service-Disabled Veteran Owned Small Business.

Small Employer of the Year - Georgia Vietnam Veterans Alliance of Doraville, Ga. Founded by Vietnam War chopper pilot Marvin Myers, the 500-member, five-chapter alliance offers Vietnam vets assistance in combating homelessness and substance abuse, aids those with PTS, helps unemployed vets, and administers leadership and scholarship programs.

Legion's Employer of the Disabled - The Veterans Employment Development Center at The American Legion Post 155 in Beverly Hills, Fla.

Employer of Older Workers - Point Security Company, Inc., of Youngwood, Pa.

Employment Service Office of the Year - The Georgia Department of Labor's Gwinnett Career Center.

Homeless Veterans Outreach - The Idaho Department of The American Legion.

Disabled Veterans Outreach Program Specialist of the Year - Johnny Moreno of Twin Falls, Idaho.

Local Veterans Employment Representative of the Year - Robert Shoeman of Coeur d'Alene, Idaho.

Joe Sharpe, the Legion's Economic Commission director, offered his congratulations to the award recipients. "The nation's stubbornly flagging jobs market is among the issues most concerning to Americans currently," he said. "With the unemployment rate among young veterans of the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan often double that of the general population, the situation is particularly distressing to families of military veterans. So, it is very heartening to see the deep dedication to the welfare of our veterans being demonstrated by these inspiring companies and individuals."


  • Convention