A 100th Anniversary Workshop will be held during the 97th National Convention in Baltimore.
A 100th Anniversary Workshop will be held during the 97th National Convention in Baltimore. Set for Monday, Aug. 31, the workshop will be held in two identical sessions, from 9 a.m. to 11 a.m. and 1 p.m. to 3 p.m., in Rooms 331/332 of the Baltimore Convention Center.
Like the one held at the 2014 convention in Charlotte, the workshop will be conducted by national staff and 100th Anniversary Observance Committee members. In each session, participants can learn how to build a history page, get best practices and insight on setting up centennial committees and subcommittees, and share their own ideas for projects and initiatives to celebrate The American Legion, as well as hear what National Headquarters is planning. Equipment will be available to help participants one-on-one, but those interested in attending are encouraged to bring their own laptops, etc., if possible.
The main emphasis this year will be on helping departments just starting their own centennial committees to ramp up quickly, and to then help their posts do the same. Such help can flow up as well as down, though, and post representatives are also welcome to attend and speak to their own experiences.
Walk-ins are welcome if space is available, or preregister online.
- Convention