September 01, 2015

Helm's fundraising initiative shatters goal

By Henry Howard
Helm’s fundraising initiative shatters goal
National Commander Michael D. Helm addresses the members and guests during the 2015 National Convention in Baltimore. (Photo by Lucas Carter/The American Legion)

National commander details successful year from collecting donations for Legion charities to acquiring benefits for veterans.

Our country needs and depends on a strong American Legion, National Commander Michael D. Helm said in his address at the organization’s 97th annual national convention Tuesday in Baltimore.

Strong donations and membership growth will allow The American Legion to continue its myriad priorities, Helm said, including those that assist veterans with benefits, provide help to transitioning servicemembers, sponsor job fairs, create wholesome opportunities for youth and fund charity programs.

“I thought I might be the $6 million man, but now I may be the $7 million man,” Helm said. “I never dreamed that would happen.”

When Helm was elected last year, he set a goal of raising $4 million for Legion and Auxiliary charities. Before the convention started the total raised was approximately $5.9 million. On Tuesday, the final Legacy Run donations were tabulated at $1,249,684.13.

Helm also said that more work needs to be done to grow membership.

“We are four years away from our centennial,” he said. “The American Legion has been a force for good in this country for almost 100 years. If we don’t attract new members and retain current ones, who is going to provide the voice for veterans that Americans have relied on for most of this century?”

Helm also addressed a series of other high-profile issues:

• Veterans benefits. “The VBCs, veterans benefits centers, have already helped veterans receive $1 million in benefits. Millions of dollars will be awarded to frustrated and homeless veterans who accept the lifeline of assistance offered by The American Legion.”

• VA health care. “Remember, The American Legion invented VA health care. We’re not going to let someone else, no matter who it might be, step in and privatize health care for our veterans.”

• National defense: “Much of Iraq has fallen to ISIS. Syria is a mess and terrorism is spreading across Africa. Our troops are still fighting in Afghanistan. Let’s not forget about that crazy regime in North Korea. And, yet, our military is funded at pre-World War II levels. We should not allow our nationally elected leaders to pit personal costs and benefits against weapons, modernization and training.”

• National security: “America must secure its borders now.”

• Pensions. “We remain strongly opposed to any plan that diminishes the pension and benefits for those who have spent decades of their lives servicing this nation.”

• Military pay: “The pay and benefits must be worthy of those who sacrifice so much for us. It’s pretty hard to convince someone to stay in the military if — while they are deployed overseas — we are reducing their salary, health care and military benefits for that military family. We need to make sure that our military family is taken care of very well.”

• Credentialing: “Progress has been made but credentialing still remains an issue because of state laws. The American Legion would hope that all 50 states would recognize the skills and talents that veterans bring to the table.”

  • Convention