February 12, 2021

Apply for color guard contests in Phoenix

By The American Legion
Apply for color guard contests in Phoenix
Members of American Legion Post 377 of Kenner, La., perform during the National Concert Band Contest in Indianapolis on Aug. 24, 2019. The contest will not be held in 2021. (Photo by Ben Mikesell/The American Legion)

Color guards can apply to compete during The American Legion’s 102nd National Convention in Phoenix in August.

Color guards can apply to compete during The American Legion’s 102nd National Convention in Phoenix in August.

American Legion color guard units are gearing up for this year’s National Color Guard Contest, which will open the convention on Aug. 27. The contest will start at 4 p.m. in the Phoenix Convention Center, North Building, Exhibition Hall B-E, 300 Level, with Harrisburg Post 472 of Houston defending its title as champion. There are four classes of competition: Advancing/Retiring Colors, Military, Military-Open and Open. To be considered for the National Commander’s Color Guard, units must compete in either Military or Military-Open and Advancing/Retiring Colors. Units can represent any part of the Legion Family, or have a combination of members in the unit. Applications are due to National Headquarters by July 23.

Download the applications on the Contests page.

  • Convention