May 10, 2021

National Convention safety measures in place

By The American Legion
National Convention safety measures in place
National Convention safety measures in place

In an ongoing pandemic, guidelines are in place for the 102nd National Convention in Phoenix to protect you and your fellow American Legion Family members.

The American Legion is excited that the 102nd National Convention in Phoenix is scheduled to occur Aug. 27-Sept. 2 with COVID-19 safety measures in place to adhere to local and state guidelines. While we are looking forward to gathering again as an American Legion Family, it is important to follow the safety protocols implemented below as the pandemic is still ongoing.

“Let’s continue to put safety first at our national convention in Phoenix and follow state and local guidelines – no matter where you are from – to represent the American Legion Family as a major solution during the pandemic as we have been for the last year and a half,” said American Legion National Commander James W. “Bill” Oxford.

Ahead of convention, regardless of your state or community’s guidance and rules, The American Legion will follow the official guidance, precautions, and rules from our convention host city.

“We all must play a pivotal role to ensure we can meet in Phoenix and to create a safe national convention experience for all who can attend,” said Convention Commission Chairman Michael Walton. “We can certainly be flexible, have patience, and put safety of our members first this year in order to meet.”

The following are guidelines that The American Legion asks for you to please adhere to during convention in Phoenix to protect yourself, fellow American Legion Family members and others. Adherence to these guidelines will help allow The American Legion to host the national convention in Phoenix.

Face covering. Wear protective masks or face coverings at all times – unless actively eating or drinking – and wear them the right way with it covering your nose and mouth. Additionally, do not touch or adjust masks in public; make sure it is always clean, in good shape and worn the right side out; and do not borrow a mask or loan a used mask to someone else.

Masks must be worn on the convention stage and only remove when at the lectern speaking.

Masks will be required while riding the bus for transportation from hotels to the Phoenix Convention Center.

Social distance. Maintain at least six feet of social distance from others.

Greetings. Hold off on the hugs, kisses and handshakes. Instead, do fist bumps, elbow bumps, waves, salutes and tips of the hat.

Hands. Follow the CDC guidelines and wash hands for 20 seconds with hot water and soap.

Symptoms. Don’t ignore symptoms associated with COVID-19. If you have experienced any COVID-19 symptoms within 14 days of the convention – or tested positive within 14 days of departure – we need you to stay home.

Temp checks. Temperatures will be taken each day for all attendees to obtain entrance into the Phoenix Convention Center, and common preliminary COVID-19 questions will be asked. If an attendee’s temperature registers at 100.4 or higher, the attendee will sit in a control area for 10 minutes. A second temperature screening will be administered after the wait time is over. If the temp remains at 100.4 or higher, the attendee cannot obtain entry into the Phoenix Convention Center unless they receive a negative COVID-19 rapid test.

Liability waiver. All attendees of the American Legion National Convention must sign a liability waiver to attend – the City of Phoenix accepts no liability and declines to indemnify anyone electing to attend the event. The waiver is in the process of being developed. Convention dignitaries also will be required to sign this waiver before attending.

Pre-register. Convention walk-ins will not be permitted this year. Those interested in attending must register in advance with their respective American Legion department.

Exhibit Hall numbers. There will be a max number of people in the Exhibit Hall at one time. This number will be determined closer to August.

Meeting rooms. Information on meeting rooms will not be released until Aug. 1 in case changes must be made for COVID-19 distancing requirements.

Private event. The national convention is considered a private event and not opened to public.

*This is all subject to change.

NOTICE: Convention event cancellations
The convention parade has been canceled due to physical distancing measures. The Band Contest also has been canceled.

  • Convention