August 29, 2023

National convention attendees take part in lifesaving cause

By Cameran Richardson

A blood drive was held in Charlotte, N.C., during the 104th National Convention where 37 Legion Family members donated blood. 

The American Legion hosted a Red Cross blood drive at its 104th National Convention in Charlotte, N.C. Over the course of the two-day blood drive, 37 Legion Family members donated.

“My reason to donate blood is to help save a life,” said Jacki Hill from the Department of Indiana 6th District. “And right now with the floods and fire in Hawaii, and all the different disasters we’re having, I see the need and we need to do that. And we need to take care of our Legion Family because they’re involved in the disasters also.”

Hill’s son, David Canty, has donated seven gallons over the many years he has been donating blood, Hill said. “I’m quite proud of him.”

For Scott Maddrea, Department of Virginia membership chairman, it just felt right to donate at national convention “because I can. There are so many folks that are just not able to for whatever reason to give, and it’s just one small way I can continue to serve.”

Four staff members from the local Red Cross helped with the blood drive. One was Mia who recently left a job at a hospital to come work for the Red Cross and “although I’m very new, I love what we do,” she said. “I love interacting with so many different donors of all ages and just hearing why certain people donate, it touches my heart.” And because it can take 30 minutes or so for a donation, “you get to talk a lot more to your donors, know them more. (The American Legion members who have donated) have all been so sweet.”

The American Legion’s National Blood Donor Program was founded in 1942 to help local communities in a time of need. The American Legion became the No. 1 contributor of blood nationwide for the Red Cross. In 2021-2022, blood drives held by American Legion posts had over 56,000 donors donate 92,162 pints of blood.

“The American Legion has for years been a top donor locally everywhere of giving blood,” said Past National Commander Mike Helm. “It’s good for other people to see us do it and make sure it keeps on happening.”

Helm was one of the 22 people who donated on Friday, Aug. 25.

“I made a special effort to come here and do it,” he said. “I was supposed to give blood a month ago but knew I was coming here (to national convention), and I wanted to do it here because the blood drive has always been special to me with The American Legion – 1990 was the first time I gave blood at a Legion convention. I’ve been donating ever since when there’s a blood drive. I think it’s special. I just think it’s a special thing to do.”




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