October 23, 2012

Nine students receive $20,000 scholarships

By The American Legion
Nine students receive $20,000 scholarships
Nine students receive $20,000 scholarships

American Legion names 2012 Samsung Scholarship recipients.

The American Legion National Committee on Education selected nine students this week the Fall National Executive Committee Meetings in Indianapolis to receive $20,000 for the Samsung American Legion Scholarship. An additional 88 students were awarded $1,100 each.

The nine 2012 Samsung Scholars are:

  • Landon Stevenson of Townville, S.C.; West-Oak High School
  • Collette Bersie of Montrose, Minn.; Delano High School
  • Morgan Irons of Yorktown, Va.; Grafton High School
  • Sean Weller of Colorado Springs, Colo.; Air Academy High School
  • Preston Fegley of Grand Island, Neb.; Grand Island High School
  • Madeline Chin of South Pasadena, Calif.; South Pasadena High School
  • Bradley Bark of Baton Rouge, La.; Baton Rouge Magnet High School
  • Erik Thomas of Wallace, Mich.; Menominee High School
  • Kelsey Green of Harlem, Ga.; Harlem High School

Since 1996, the Samsung American Legion Schlarship has awarded more than $4 million to nearly 1,500 applicants. The scholarship is available to high school juniors who participate in and complete the Boys State or Girls State programs, and are direct descendants (or legally adopted children) of wartime veterans eligible for American Legion membership. Students who qualify for and are interested in the Samsung Scholarship must submit a completed application to program staff upon their arrival to Boys State or Girls State.

Recipients of the scholarship must use the funds for undergraduate studies (e.g., room and board, tuition and books), and each applicant is selected according to his or her school and community activities, academic record and financial need. Find out more about the scholarship here.


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