Dates and events to keep in mind.
Watch NEC Spring Meetings online: The 2013 American Legion National Executive Committee Spring Meetings will be streamed live May 8 at 8:30 a.m. and May 9 at 9 a.m. (EDT).
National Convention updates: The American Legion National Convention expo will be at the George R. Brown Convention Center in Houston, Aug. 23 to 27. To secure exhibit space or to arrange a convention sponsorship, contact: Andrea Watson by email at or call (317) 630-1393.
2013 Legion Baseball deadlines: Legion Baseball teams not registered for insurance by May 15 are subject to a fine payable to the department. And in accordance with the 2013 Legion Baseball Rule Book, teams not registered for the 2013 season by June 1 shall not be permitted to play American Legion Baseball.
Amateur radio exhibit: The fourth-floor library at National Headquarters in Indianapolis is hosting an exhibit of items that demonstrate the organization’s association with amateur radio. The exhibit will be on display through the NEC Spring Meetings in May.
- Dispatch