The American Legion is launching a new web page and is asking for your stories, your memories, your photos.
The American Legion is launching a new web page and is asking for your stories, your memories, your photos.
The web page — www.legion.org/honor — will feature stories about honor and remembrance. This is one way in which, in the words of the Preamble to the Legion’s Constitution says, we are preserving "the memories and incidents of our associations in the Great Wars." In addition to the stories, photo galleries and videos, the web page offers a searchable directory of more than 1,200 museums, memorials and cemeteries; information on how to obtain medals and citations; and more.
We are interested in featuring your stories, including your family’s military history, your time in the service, and your post’s activities, honor guard or museum.
To share your story:
Go to www.legiontown.org.
Log in or create a new account.
Click on "Share Your Story" in the upper-right hand corner.
Review the categories and select the most appropriate one. Categories that will appear on the Honor and Remembrance web page include "Family Legacy," "My Time in Uniform," "Honor Guard," "Honors and Achievements" and "Post Museum."
Additionally, the Legion is committed to honoring those who have passed on. Families are encouraged to submit veterans’ obituaries by going to www.legion.org/honor and clicking on "In Memoriam" at the top of the page. Once you enter the late veteran’s name and obituary and upload a photo (optional), just hit the "Save" button. There is no charge.
Have questions? Email: honor@legion.org
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