Follow convention coverage.
Follow national convention coverage
Stories, photos and videos of The American Legion’s 99th national convention in Reno, Nev., Aug. 18-24, will be covered online at and on the following social media sites:
Facebook at
Twitter at; use the hashtag #ALConvention2017.
Download the National Convention app, nationalconvention, to keep informed from the convenience of your mobile device.
Upcoming conferences
The American Legion’s 2017 National Children & Youth Conference and Americanism Conference will be held this September in Indianapolis. Register online:
Children & Youth Conference, Sept. 15-17,
Americanism Conference (Legion Baseball, Boys State, Oratorical, and Legion and Auxiliary National Chaplain), Sept. 22-24,
Legion style guide
In all media channels – print, Web and social media – clarity and consistency are key to successfully communicating The American Legion’s message. The American Legion Style Guide, available for download at, offers valuable tips on writing copy that’s clean and clear.
- Dispatch