December 04, 2013


By The American Legion


Robert A. Owen of Topsham, Maine

Robert A. Owen of Post 202 (Department of Maine) passed away Nov. 10 at the age of 79. He was a Korean War Marine Corps veterans. Mr. Owen served as department commander from 1986-1987, department vice commander from 1985-1986, National Distinguished Guests Committee vice chairman from 1982-1985, National Executive Committee member from 1998-2012, National Finance Commission Liaison Committee member from 2000-2001, National Legislative Council member from 2001-2013, National Public Relations Commission Liaison Committee member from 1998-1999, National Resolutions Subcommittee member from 2003-2012, National VA&R Commission member from 2012-2013, National, National VA&R Commission Liaison Committee member from 1999-2000, 2001-2003 and 2010-2012, National VA&R Commission Liaison Committee chairman from 2003-2010, National VA&R Commission Region 1 member from 1986-1998, and National Veterans Planning & Coordinating Committee member from 2003-2010.

Arthur E. Rupert of Prosser, Wash.

Arthur E. Rupert of Post 20 (Department of Washington) passed away Nov. 9 at the age of 86. He was a World War II Army veteran. Mr. Rupert served as a National Executive Committee alternate member from 1977-1979, National Americanism Commission member from 1985-1997, National Americanism Commission Liaison Committee member from 1979-1981, National Cemetery Committee National Commander’s Representative from 1981-1983, and National Executive Committee member from 1979-1981.

Lloyd  L. Habermann of Brillion, Wis.

Lloyd L. Habermann of Post 126 (Department of Wisconsin) passed away Nov. 28 at the age of 91. He was a World War II Army veteran. Mr. Habermann served as a National Americanism Council vice chairman from 1986-1992.

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