New American Legion Baseball registration website allows coaches to quickly register their team and meet the Legion's policy for background screening checks.
The first time in American Legion Baseball history that coaches had the ability to register their team via the Internet was in 2010 when the Legion launched a digital, step-by-step process through www.legion.org. The new online registration process saved coaches the hassle of collecting, completing and mailing registration forms, insurance forms and payments to various locations for processing. And now, the Legion has launched a new and improved and online baseball registration site that’s faster, more user-friendly and meets new baseball policies: www.baseball.legion.org.
The new site requires coaches to create an administrator account — the same username and password from last year may be used. Once logged in, coaches will have the ability to locate and renew teams and players from previous seasons. Additionally, the registration site has been customized to meet the Legion’s new policy for background screening checks.
Background screening checks will be conducted annually each season prior to any meetings, events, practices or games that involve youth participants. During the annual online Legion Baseball registration process, an acknowledgement will be required that each coach, manager and volunteer staff of an American Legion Baseball team has been verified as having passed the mandated background check screening requirements for that upcoming season. This is required before managers and coaches can purchase insurance and enter their team roster on the new baseball registration website.
Deadline for teams to register for the 2013 American Legion Baseball season is May 15. Teams failing to do so by that date are subject to a fine payable to the department. In accordance with the 2013 Legion Baseball Rulebook, any team failing to register by June 1, 2013, shall not be permitted to play American Legion Baseball.
- Dispatch