July 09, 2013

Kentucky post turns trash into dollars

By The American Legion

Members of American Legion Caswell Saufley Post 18 in Stanford, Ky., have found a hard working, yet rewarding, way to earn funds for the several charities it supports.

Members of American Legion Caswell Saufley Post 18 in Stanford, Ky., have found a hard working, yet rewarding, way to earn funds for the several charities it supports. For the past few years, post members have participated in the local "Adopt-A-Highway" program, earning $100 per mile.

"We are about service to our nation, service to our fellow veterans, and service to our community," said John Bradshaw, Post 18 member.

In the past, Post 18 adopted five miles of highway to clean up, but this year Bradshaw increased it to 10 miles, earning $1,000 for the post. After two eight-hour days of picking up trash, there was talk among the 20 Legion volunteers as to "who made the motion to increase the amount of highway cleaning to 10 miles, and what the fate of that person might be," Bradshaw said. "This is to say that there were several tired Legionnaires after each of the two days it took to complete the task, but as a true Legionnaire and a true veteran, each did their part so that the post could reap the treasures and continue the post motto, ‘Old Soldiers At Work.’"

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