Indy Insider
The Leadership Education And Development (LEAD) series of training sessions have been a big success. To date, more than 1,400 American Legion Family members have been trained in at least one course. Twenty-three departments have scheduled LEAD training, or recently completed their training.
A LEAD training event includes, at the minimum, eight hours of training selected from the LEAD course booklet. Any combination of 25 offered classes may be selected, making up eight hours of instruction. Once completed, a course pin will be presented to each Legion Family member.
If interested in participating, contact Internal Affairs by phone at 317.630.1330 or email at
In other news:
American Legion Boys Nation: The 2013 Boys Nation program wrapped up at Marymount University in Arlington, Va. Jordi Saunders of Indiana was elected president pro tempore of the Senate and Cortez Thomas of Mississippi was elected secretary of the Senate. Simeon Toronto of Minnesota was elected president and Zachary Faircloth of South Carolina was elected vice president. Full coverage can be found
Junior Shooting Sports: Final preparations are being made for The American Legion’s 23rd annual Junior Air Rifle National Championships to be held Aug. 6-11 at the USA Shooting facility on the campus of the U.S. Olympic Training Center in Colorado Springs, Colo. Thirty of the nation’s top junior shooters from the sporter and precision categories will be competing for $5,000 in scholarship money, provided by the Sons of The American Legion.
Consolidated Post Report: The 2012-2013 Consolidated Post Report (CPR) results are being tabulated and should be available next week. Preliminary results show a small decrease from last year’s reporting with 8,457 posts submitting a CPR.
In order to increase participation in filling out CPRs, National Commander Koutz has instituted the following challenges and recognition to department leadership:
• Plaque at National Convention for 95 percent to 100 percent reporting.
• Certificates mailed for those that are over 75 percent reporting and show an increase in their response rate from 2012.
• Publish Department Commander’s picture in The American Legion Dispatch for those in the 100 percent Club and 95-99 percent Club.
A synopsis of last year’s report can be found here:
Membership and DMS Program: The current 2013 traditional membership total is 1,965,940, which is 98.5 percent of the 2013 goal. To date, there are 12 departments that have attained at least 100 percent of their traditional membership goal.
On-Line Renewal Activity: 2014 Membership Year On-Line Renewals (since July 1): 66,164
Sons membership: The Sons of The American Legion membership for 2013 stands at 349,761 members or 99 percent as of July 25. The Sons are running 3,516 members ahead of this same date last year. Eighteen detachments have already achieved 100 percent as of this date.
- Dispatch