Final Boys State program is winding down, ahead of Boys Nation. Meanwhile, 2,657 baseball teams competing for shot at World Series.
Two of The American Legion’s most popular youth programs are entering their busiest season.
Forty-eight American Legion Boys State programs have concluded with 96 delegates having registered to attend the 2013 session of American Legion Boys Nation, July 19-27, at Marymount University in Arlington, Va. This week’s Florida Boys State is the final program of the year.
Thirty-one Boys State programs have submitted their annual ACY program survey that provides information on final outcomes of their program. The surveys are due by July 30.
Meanwhile, American Legion Baseball online registration for the 2013 season wrapped up with 3,911 teams signed up. Of those, there are 2,657 senior teams nationwide who are vying for the opportunity to earn the title of American Legion Baseball World Series national champion.
In other news:
American Legion Child Welfare Foundation: The American Legion Child Welfare Foundation is accepting grant applications postmarked by July 15 for 2014 grants. For 2013, the CWF provided more than $734,220 in grants to 20 non-profit organizations. The mission and purpose of the CWF is to contribute to progress in the child welfare field, and knowledge of children and youth through research, studies, surveys, projects, or in other ways, primarily by awarding cash grants that help finance programs, studies, activities or research that are of benefit to children. Grant funding guidelines and application are available here.
Operation Comfort Warriors: On July 9, the Operation Comfort Warriors program manager will be visiting the warrior transition battalion (WTB) at Fort Bragg, N.C., where he will be helping outfit brand new WTB rooms with kitchen amenities. On July 11, he will visit Camp Lejeune, N.C., where he will be helping to provide adaptive recreational equipment to the installation.
New ALR Newsletter launches: The newly redesigned American Legion Riders Newsletter launched June 12 with its first edition emailed to some 8,000 subscribers. To subscribe, click here.
Sons of The American Legion: The Sons of The American Legion membership for 2013 stands at 347,554 members or 98.3 percent as of July 3. The Sons are running 5,130 members ahead of this same date last year. Sixteen detachments have already achieved 100 percent as of this date.
- Dispatch