June 12, 2017

Legion membership announcements and tools

By The American Legion

E-newsletter, video and more.

DMS members. During Spring Meetings last month, The American Legion National Executive Committee passed Resolution No. 1, which makes contact information for newly acquired DMS members available immediately through  www.mylegion.org. This will go into effect July 1.
The goal of the resolution is to improve the retention rate of DMS members by transferring them into a local post rather than having them sit in a headquarters post.
Membership video. A new membership video, “This is The American Legion,” shows potential members what The American Legion is about and is available at  www.legion.org/legiontv. Departments, districts and posts are encouraged to show this video during Legion promotional and recruiting efforts. 
E-newsletter. A new American Legion membership training e-newsletter is available to sign up for at  www.legion.org/newsletters. The bi-monthly newsletter highlights best practices and ideas shared by Legionnaires throughout the country.
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