October 01, 2013

Bet leads to 114 new members

By The American Legion
Bet leads to 114 new members
Bet leads to 114 new members

Members of Post 731 in San Diego recently enjoyed a steak dinner after winning a membership bet against Post 365 in Vista, Calif.

Members of American Legion Post 731 in San Diego recently enjoyed a free steak dinner after winning a membership bet against nearby Post 365 in Vista, Calif.  

For the 2012-2013 membership year, Post 731 and Post 365 bet that the post with the highest membership percentage on opening day of the Legion's National Convention in Houston would receive a steak dinner from the losing post.

Post 731 won the bet with membership at 120 percent; Post 365’s membership was 113 percent. And in late August, Post 365 honored the bet.

The picture above shows Post 731 Commander Chuck Camarato enjoying his steak dinner, which was served by Chris Yates (in the blue hat) of Post 365.

"The dinner was a fantastic event with great camaraderie from all officers," said Sharyn Camarato, Post 731 adjutant. "The true intent of both commanders was to inspire the other 26 American Legion posts comprising the 22nd District to be creative when working membership. The true winner is The American Legion, as proven with the finishing membership percentages."

Combined, both posts recruited 114 new Legionnaires.

Post 731 rewarded Post 365’s great sportsmanship with a $300 check for its Operation Comfort Warrior fund.

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