Halloween safety, Get Out the Vote and more.
Halloween safety. The American Legion’s focus around Halloween, Oct. 31, is safety, and it has been for the past 45 years when the Legion’s Children and Youth Committee implemented a nationwide Halloween safety program for young trick-or-treaters. A brochure to this purpose, “Make Halloween a Safe and Fun Night,” is available for download online at www.legion.org/publications under Children and Youth.
Veterans Day. A guideline speech for Veterans Day, Nov. 11, is available online at www.legion.org/publications under Media & Communications. Also found there is the Family First Veterans Day Dinner Promo Packet to help posts support American Legion National Commander Denise H. Rohan’s initiative of inviting the entire community for dinner to share what The American Legion is about and to celebrate the organization’s upcoming centennial.
Get Out the Vote. Election Day is Nov. 7 this year, and it is a time when The American Legion encourages Legionnaires to not only exercise their constitutional responsibility to vote, but to also encourage others to do the same. A Get Out the Vote public service announcement by National Commander Denise H. Rohan is online at www.legion.org/vote to help accomplish this message.
The American Legion’s “Get Out the Vote” and “Vote, America” brochures are also available.
- Dispatch