Post 18 has donated thousands of dollars to victims of Colorado flooding.
Greeley American Legion Post 18 has been busy supporting victims of the Colorado flooding.
The post donated $2,000 each to the Salvation Army and the Greeley Recreation Center (acting as evacuation center) for the community. Legionnaires have also donated hundreds of dollars in clothing and supplies to the recreation center in Greeley.
Additionally, Post 18 has set aside $5,000 for food and emergency assistance for flood victims. The recovery assistance is a team effort by the post commander, adjutant, service officer, finance, sergeant-at-arms and past officers in the post. Also, the Auxiliary chaplain and treasurer are assisting.
Legionnaires also also assisting qualified flood victims with National Emergency Fund (NEF) applications. The NEF provided Post 18 with $5,000 to assist in this recovery effort.
In other news:
Operation Comfort Warriors: Past National Commander Jim Koutz and the Department of North Carolina will be recognized for Operation Comfort Warriors’ (OCW) support of the Warrior Transition Battalion at Fort Bragg, N.C., on Oct. 1. Four days later, The American Legion will be a platinum sponsor of the Aleethia Foundation’s 10th anniversary dinner. The tradition of the Friday night steak dinner started with just two wounded warriors having a dinner out and grew to a tradition that has hosted thousands of wounded, injured and ill servicemen and women over the past 10 years. Up to 200 wounded warriors are expected to attend this year’s event.
Temporary Financial Assistance: The American Legion’s Temporary Financial Assistance Program (TFA) continues to provide for the basic needs of veterans’ children through cash grants made possible through the American Legion Endowment Fund Corporation. As of Sept. 25, TFA has assisted 1,773 minor children throughout the United States maintain shelter, utilities, food and clothing with over $855,023 in cash grants during 2013.
Membership and DMS Program: The 2014 traditional membership goal is 2,001,806. Membership as of the Sept. 27 membership report is 1,185,828, which is 59.2 percent of the 2014 goal.
DMS Program 2014: The 2014 Membership Year began on July 1, 2013. The first DMS mailing for the 2014 Year was completed on August 19, 2013. Responses to the first mailing are now being processed. Subsequent mailings are planned for the near future (October, November, and January).
DMS Acquires: 12,083 prospects, 24,075 expires, 36, 158 total
2014 Goal: 101,500 (35.6 percent of goal)
Current Renewal Rate for 2013 DMS Members: 23.23 percent (40,678 of 175,454 new 2013 members)
Online Renewal Activity: 2014 Membership Year On-Line Renewals (since July 1): 115,866
Sons of The American Legion: The Sons of The American Legion membership for 2014 stands at 49,308 members or 13.9 percent, as of Sept. 26. The Sons are running 1,991 members behind the same date last year.
The Sons will be conducting their National Executive Committee meeting on Oct. 11-12 at the Sheraton Hotel in Indianapolis. Also, the Sons will be conducting their annual Sons Commanders & Adjutants conference on Oct. 11. The meeting agenda has been posted to the Sons web page at
- Dispatch