In memory of.
Ronald D. Martin of Rensselaer, Ind. Ronald D. Martin of Post 29 (Department of Indiana) passed away July 9 at the age of 67. He was a Vietnam Air Force veteran. Mr. Martin served as department commander from 2005-2006, National Americanism Council vice chairman from 1990-2009, National Distinguished Guests Committee vice chairman from 1987-1990, and National Legislative Commission member from 2009-2013.
Albert M. Robotti of Rocky Hill, N.J. Albert M. Robotti of Post 280 (Department of New Jersey) passed away Aug. 13 at the age of 92. He was a Korean War Navy veteran. Mr. Robotti served as department vice commander from 1969-1970, department commander from 1972-1973, national vice commander from 1996-1997, National Executive Committee alternate member from 1985-1989, National Executive Committee member from 1989-1995, National Employment Committee member from 1997-2001, National Employment Committee chairman from 2001-2013, National Citizens Flag Alliance Committee member from 1994-1995, National Foreign Relations Council vice chairman from 1975-1989 and 1995-1996, National American Legion Magazine Commission Liaison Committee member from 1989-1992, National Public Relations Commission Liaison Committee chairman from 1992-1995, National Resolutions Subcommittee member from 1992-1993, National Subcommittee on Committees member from 1993-1995.
William N. Shipley of Fredericksburg, Penn. William N. Shipley of Post 227 (Department of New Jersey) passed away July 26 at the age of 91. He was a World War II Army veteran. Mr. Shipley served as department vice commander from 1982-1983, department commander from 1989-1990, National Americanism Council vice chairman from 1986-1987, and National Foreign Relations Council vice chairman from 1995-2007.
Ralph L. Stone of Bordentown, N.J. Ralph L. Stone of Post 26 (Department of New Jersey) passed away Aug. 23 at the age of 86. He was a World War II Navy veterans. Mr. Stone served as department commander from 1988-1989, National Distinguished Guests Committee vice chairman from 1980-1982, and National VA&R Commission executive section member from 1983-2004.
John E. Titus of Carmichaels, Penn. John E. Titus of Post 954 (Department of Pennsylvania) passed away Aug. 9 at the age of 91. He was a World War II Army veteran. Mr. Titus served as department vice commander from 1970-1971, department commander from 1975-1976, National Americanism Council vice chairman from 1969-1971, 1973-1974, 1978-1982 and 1984-1988, National Constitution & By-Laws Committee member from 1988-1996 and 1999-2012, and National Constitution & By-Laws Committee vice chairman from 1996-1999.
- Dispatch