September 30, 2013


By The American Legion


Charles E. Haas of Norwich, Conn. Charles E. Haas of Post 4 (Department of Connecticut) passed away Aug. 21 at the age of 84. He was a Korean War and Vietnam War Navy veteran. Mr. Haas served as department commander from 1989-1990, National Employment Committee member from 1979-1981 and National Veterans Preference Committee member from 1981-1987.

Wesley R. Wharton of Sonora, Calif. Wesley R. Wharton of Post 83 (Department of California) passed away July 12 at the age of 77. He was a Korean War Marine Corps veteran. Mr. Wharton served as department vice commander from 1993-1994, National Executive Committee alternate member from 2006-2008, National Economic Commission member for 2001, and National Foreign Relations Council vice chairman from 1999-2001.

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