9,002 American Legion posts submitted a Consolidated Post Report (CPR) to show how they are making a difference in their communities.
In 2013, 9,002 American Legion posts submitted a Consolidated Post Report (CPR) to show how they are making a difference in their communities. The increase in reporting from 2012 to 2013 was about 6 percent, leaving a third of all posts unreported.
According to the recently compiled CPR, Legion post service officers handled substantially more cases for veterans in 2013 than they did in 2012. Post service officers – who refer veterans and their families to accredited American Legion service officers if they are not accredited themselves – reported handling 181,129 cases in 2013. In addition to referrals, those cases involve help with VA claims, education, health care and employment.
In addition to cases handled by service officers, the National Emergency Fund contributions increased by $161,000 in 2013, as well as posts involvement in career fairs – more than 1,100 posts participated in or hosted a career fair. Boys State and Oratorical Contest participation also grew in 2013 – nearly 20,000 young men participated in Boys State and 9,100 youth in the Oratorical Contest. An increase was also seen in the number of scholarships awarded, special events and patriotic holidays observed.
See the 2013 Consolidated Post Report results: www.legion.org/bythenumbers
The Legion’s CPR was established 40 years ago to assist departments in the documentation of activities that a specific post completed during the 12-month (June 1 through May 31) reporting period. The CPR form can filled out and submitted by mail by downloading the form under Membership Services on the Legion’s publication web page: www.legion.org/publications
Posts can also fill out and submit CPR forms online at mylegion.org; forms are located under "Post and Department" options.
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