August 06, 2015

Eight departments achieve 95 percent or higher reporting


Florida, Georgia, Missouri, Montana, Nebraska, Oregon, Virginia and Wisconsin

Each year, American Legion posts around the world donate millions of volunteer hours, raise millions of dollars for the benefit of their community and Legion programs, and positively influence millions of lives. This information is captured on the Legion’s Consolidated Post Report (CPR) that posts have been submitting for the past 40 years to assist departments in the documentation of activities that a specific post completed during the 12-month (June 1 through May 31) reporting period.

The eight departments with 95 percent or higher reporting this year are: Florida, Georgia, Missouri, Montana, Nebraska, Oregon, Virginia and Wisconsin. National Commander Michael Helm will recognize the respective department commanders on stage during national convention in Baltimore with a certificate.

And eight departments will be recognized with a certificate for achieving 75 percent or higher reporting: Arizona, Idaho, Maryland, New York, North Dakota, Ohio, Vermont and West Virginia.

All American Legion national commanders testify before a joint session of the House and Senate Committees on Veterans’ Affairs following their election to report on American Legion hours donated, and monies raised and expended to serve our veterans and our programs. For the 2015-2016 membership year, show the many ways Legionnaires in your post are making a difference in their communities and beyond by completing the CPR. When reports are due, fill the form out online at under "Post and Department" options.

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