Massachusetts Post 114 was brought back to life by its members, attracting younger veterans and surpassing 130 percent membership.
It wasn’t too long ago that the downstairs members’ area of Holbrook Post 114 in Massachusetts had standing water. As a result, the post wasn’t very active. The members decided to reverse that trend with a makeover.
The renovation effort turned a large upstairs room to a classy dining area, complete with flat-screen TVs, a Touch Tunes juke box and patriotic decorations. A beautiful canvas print of Michael R. Kennedy, a post member and Boston firefighter killed in the line of duty in 2014, hangs on one wall, just above the post’s POW-MIA table. The front room of the post was renovated to become a smaller function area that now is rented out by community members for birthday parties and other celebrations/events. The post itself was made handicap-accessible for the first time. And its restaurant now serves a variety of food, and hosts trivia nights on Tuesdays, bike and car nights on Wednesdays and live entertainment on Fridays.
John Kearney, who has served as post commander multiple times, led a fundraising effort to help with much-needed renovations. "We didn’t get the money we were looking for, but it worked in another way by attracting Paul (Anastasio, Post 114 senior vice commander) and all these other guys that heard the SOS and joined the cause. That’s what saved the place."
Post Commander Matt Nelson, a 34-year-old Boston firefighter and Marine Corps veteran, is a childhood friend of Anastasio. Nelson said the renovation was a collaborative effort in every sense of the word. Members donated "a lot of money, a lot of time," he said. "People are down for the cause – especially veterans. They just have an endless supply of patriotism. They fought tooth and nail to get this done."
The post debuted the new look the night before last Thanksgiving. Those who showed up then, and those who have visited Post 114 since, are shocked. "Everyone who comes here (for the first time) since the place opened is amazed," Junior Vice Commander Andy Best said. "They can’t believe it’s the same place."
Legionnaires outside of the post have noticed the difference. "It was the first post in my district to hit 100 percent (membership), and now they’re up over 120, 130 percent," District 6 Commander Fred White said. "Whenever someone comes here (to the restaurant), the hostess always asks if they’re a veteran. She tries to sign them up. They’re really pushing membership."
White praised Post 114’s younger membership for saving the post. Anastasio, 37, said part of the reason for the renovation was to attract additional younger veterans. "We had to make it appealing to get the next generations of veterans in here."
The changes haven’t just been cosmetic. The post had been hosting Halloween and Christmas parties, but now it also has a kids’ night once a month that features karaoke. The post also sponsors two American Legion Baseball teams, it sponsored three participants to attend the Massachusetts State Police Junior Trooper Program, and it hosts a PTSD clinic once a month. And in January, Post 114 member Bill Farrell started a comedy night that takes place on Saturday each month. "What’s better than laughter? There’s healing in laughter," Farrell said.
Nelson said that work remains to be done on the post, but the future looks bright. "There are a lot of functions going on (at the post)," he said. "If we can get some steam behind it, I think it could really be the heartbeat of that area – not just the town, but the South Shore in general."
- Dispatch