In order to truly assist veterans, it is important that you become familiar with the accredited veterans service officers in your area.
Many times we think that helping means giving an opinion or trying to find an answer to the respective question. We are The American Legion, and we represent our organization to the best of our ability. That said, we do not have all the answers when it comes to veterans benefits and health care. Even for those of us that practice veteran law advocacy as a profession there is a constant learning curve, and many changes in regulation and law that make factual answers sometimes hard to give.
In order to truly assist veterans, it is important that you become familiar with the accredited veterans service officers in your area. Commanders, vice commanders, adjutants and post service officers should be familiar with the location and capabilities of individuals and office policy regarding the provision of veterans services.
These key personnel within the post, district and division level should know the capabilities and special programs of other service organizations, government organizations, and community organizations that may offer programs of benefit to all veterans or certain sectors of the veteran population.
The challenge we face today is reaching those in need. If you truly want to help your fellow veterans, learn where and who the subject matter experts are. Make sure your brothers- and sisters-in-arms actually go see the veterans service officer and ask the questions they need answered. You might even go along with them and facilitate any points you think are important. We can all be advocates, but it is important to leave the planning, recommending and advocating to those who are trained and accredited and practice professional veteran’s advocacy.
I challenge all of you to make a difference in the lives of those many that are out there – many who may never be reached except for through you caring enough to extend your hand. Several tools exist that can help those seeking assistance. The American Legion Claims Coach app can assist veterans in finding a service officer and filing claims, and with many other claims and appeals related tasks. The “Locate a Service Officer” portion of can assist veterans in finding a professional, accredited service officer to address all VA-related issues.
- Dispatch