June 03, 2015

Register now for 2015 Legacy Run

Register now for 2015 Legacy Run
Register now for 2015 Legacy Run

On Aug. 23, The American Legion’s 10th annual Legacy Run will take off from Kenneth N. Dowden Wayne Post 64 on the west side of Indianapolis and head for the 97th National Convention in Baltimore.

On Aug. 23, The American Legion’s 10th annual Legacy Run – sponsored by USAA – will take off from Kenneth N. Dowden Wayne Post 64 on the west side of Indianapolis and head for the 97th National Convention in Baltimore. The marquee national event in the Legion Riders’ year, the run will take hundreds of participants through Indiana, Ohio and Pennsylvania before concluding at Post 22 in Towson, Md., on Aug. 26.

This year, the run will include daily stops at military memorials along the route for wreath-laying ceremonies, as well as visits to the Flight 93 Memorial and Gettysburg.

The run raises funds for The American Legion Legacy Scholarship Fund, which provides college scholarships for the children of U.S. servicemembers killed on active duty since 9/11.

In 2014, donations made on the floor of the 96th National Convention in Charlotte raised the Legacy Run total past 
$1 million for the first time; more than $435,000 was raised during the ride itself. Together, the nine Legacy Runs have raised more than $5 million for the fund, with each surpassing the previous year’s total:
Register online through Aug. 1 at www.legion.org/riders/registration. This year, non-riders may also register in support of the Legacy Run. Non-riding supporters provide much of the resources needed to conduct the run; supporting registrations of $25 or greater will receive a full map book and 2015 American Legion Legacy Run patch.

Passengers must register separately from the rider/operator. All map books, patches, and other registration material will be mailed to all pre-registered riders, passengers, and supporters on or before Aug. 12. Please note that there is no guarantee that those who register after Aug. 1 will receive their  t-shirts, map books and patches in time for the Run.

The 2015 Legacy Run schedule:
Day 1
Indianapolis – Riders begin their journey at Post 64.
Georgetown, Ohio – Lunch stop at Post 180.
Portsmouth, Ohio – Day 1 concludes with a stop at the Scioto County KIA/MIA Memorial and dinner at Post 23.
Day 2
Beverly, Ohio – Lunch stop at Post 389.
Clinton, Ohio – Wreath-laying at Ohio Veterans Memorial Park.
Kent, Ohio – Day 2 concludes with dinner at Post 496.
Day 3
Dubois, Pa. – Lunch stop at Post 17.
Stoystown, Pa. – Day 3 concludes with dinner at Post 257.
Day 4
Shanksville, Pa. – Stop at the Flight 93 Memorial.
Northern Cambria, Pa. – Wreath-laying at Veterans of All Wars Memorial.
Gettysburg, Pa. – Lunch stop at Post 202.
The Legacy Run concludes at Post 22 in Towson, Md. For information on activities and events in the area, click here.

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