April 08, 2016

2016 Legion College applications online


Legion College applications; CWF grants and more.

Legion College. The 18th session of American Legion College will be conducted at National Headquarters in Indianapolis Oct. 23-28. Legionnaires interested in attending can apply online at www.legion.org/college/application. Legion College focuses on leadership, mentorship, resolution writing, parliamentary procedure and how to conduct post meetings.

Access CPR forms. The 2015-2016 American Legion Consolidated Post Report forms are available on mylegion.org for posts to fill out and submit. The forms are located under “Posts and Department” options. After completing the form online, click the “submit” button to send the report to National Headquarters; a copy will automatically be sent to your department headquarters.

Apply for CWF grant. The American Legion’s Child Welfare Foundation is accepting grant applications starting May 1, and they must be postmarked to National Headquarters by July 15. CWF accepts funding proposals from nonprofit organizations for projects that contribute to the physical, mental, emotional and spiritual welfare of children.
For more information on the grant guidelines and to download an application, visit: www.cwf-inc.org/publications.


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