A 39-star U.S. flag was found at a rummage sale and more.
Membership cards. The United States of America Vietnam War Commemoration symbol is the watermark for the 2017 American Legion and Sons of The American Legion membership cards.
Resolutions. A booklet is available to help you craft an American Legion resolution. Download the booklet online at www.legion.org/resolutions.
World Series. The South Carolina State House recognized the 2015 American Legion World Series champions Chapin-Newberry (S.C.) Post 193 on March 16. The team was invited to the State House for a reading of a concurrent resolution that recognized the young men for their Legion Baseball accomplishments. They received a standing ovation from members of both the House of Representatives and Senate. www.legion.org/baseball
U.S. flag. Indiana Legionnaire Paul Norton found a 39-star U.S. flag at a rummage sale while on travel in Florida. Read more online: www.legion.org/flag
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